Death By Unnatural Causes (1990), a collaboration by Karen Bellone & Lisa Rinzler, was made as a visceral homage to those living and dying under the shadow of AIDS in a world run amok. It premiered in 1991 at the newly opened Tribeca Film Center, and includes music by Marc Ribot, John Lurie, Arto Lindsay & Peter Scherer, JD Foster. Sally Norvell and Kid Congo Powers contribute music and star in the film. Death By Unnatural Causes was subsequently screened at Sundance, Rotterdam, Oberhausen and Cork Film Festivals. The film received the Silver Lion for Best Experimental Film at the Chicago International Film Festival. Death By Unnatural Causes was honored at the British Gay & Lesbian Film Festival at the National Theater, and the Melbourne Queer Film & Video Festival, as well as included in group shows at Anthology Film Archives and PS 122 in NY, and with ACT UP at the LACE Gallery in LA.